The Lure of Surrealism
Apr 17, 2006 · Commentssurrealismconstruction
Coincidences ensued. In a box of booja-booja chocolates, the message (Boojagram No. 17) read, “Practice a reliable attitude towards fish”. I didn’t think much of it, except that it was a little odder than the usual sentiment. However, I then went out in the car and drove over a big fish, maybe a piece of salmon, in the middle of our road and on the return journey noticed a black glove in the middle of another road. Unrelated to this, I walked past a woman who said into her phone, “I get lost if I walk around”.
Possibly related posts:
- May 19, 2008: Summer Street Photo Workshops
- September 29, 2006: Street Photography
- September 7, 2006: Street Panoramas Book
- September 24, 2004: Shop Window
- July 4, 2008: Street Photo Workshop 2008 - no. 2
Old Comments
The comments from the previous WordPress blog.
ed nixon: Thanks for this cite. I’ve been working my way through ‘Illuminations’, the Walter Benjamin collection edited by Hannah Arendt. A year or so ago, they published an edition of Benjamin’s “The Arcades Project” which is his unfinished, perhaps unfinishable, magnum opus. That’s next of the ‘working through’ list.
I think it’s remarkable how fruitful a place Paris was in the first 30 to 40 years of the last century. One of my favorite aspects is the Diagelev/Nijinsky/Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo era, particularly as documented in the journals or ‘conversations’ of Igor Stravinsky with Robert Craft.